Marco's Blog

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Back on the islands

2006-09-10 2 min read Newsflash marco

{moszoomimglink:View from the hotel towards Mauna Kea}It’s been a while now: I had to refinance the loan and get my act together at work, but I am finally back at the house. I am writing this from the living room, a trusted Kona Koffee Kan next to me, and my computer running on batteries because I am too lazy to get the generator going.

I did something new: I realized how much it annoyed me to come out to Ninole after landing late at night in Hilo. I mean, the flight gets here at 10p, which is 1a in Pacific time, and then I have to get the car, drive out, find the bed, etc. I didn’t know what the house was going to look like, after missing the last two months. So I decided to just get a room in Hilo and stay there overnight.

Worked out just fine: I got to the hotel in time (after having to buy toothpaste, of course, darn terrorists). Slept well, but woke up to a really rainy day. Went to the beach, didn’t visit the house, but did so first thing on Sunday morning.

Here, things are good. The appraiser left the front door open (not so smart). Otherwise, everything is still here, there were no break-ins, and the house is as gorgeous as it has ever been.