Marco's Blog

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Getting There

2006-01-23 2 min read Newsflash marco

{moszoomimglink:Looking out from the living room}This time the trip was longer (2 weeks) and the need more desperate. Would I be able to propel the construction to the next level? Would we be able to finish on time? And could I really see that people were working?

Well, it looks like progress is swift, and that I was certainly right when I complained about the slowness when I am not there. We got it to the point where I can name the items still missing:

  • Wall to the master bedroom and MBR closet

  • All swinging doors (14, plus closets)

  • Fixed doors to the kitchen

  • Drywalls and mud

  • Painting

  • Electrical (all)

  • Plumbing (finish)

  • Bathroom and kitchen tiles

    That, of course, looks like a doable amount of work. I schedule about 6 weeks for all of it, and if it takes longer, I am going to be fried anyway.

The workers are motivated, but tired. Everyone seems to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and the news that the bank would cover less than half the requested amount threw everyone into a tailspin. I had to come up with the money out of pocket.

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage has become by far the worst bank I ever dealt with. It’s so bad, for a long time I considered starting a web site with detailed accounts of their business practices.