Marco's Blog

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Almost There

2003-06-29 2 min read Cycling General marco

Fk, fk, f**k!

I was so ready for it! I had slowly crept down Foothill, chosen Arastradero over Page Mill, done Portola to avoid the stupid hill before OLH, stopped for ten minutes (sharp!), drank my soda and ate an energy bar.

I shot up, I even spun a round just to get into it with a little speed advantage. I had computed that an average ascent of 60ft per minute would get me there, with the initial part being slightly easier and hence slower (ascent-wise).

I passed and ran, and got to all those that had passed me while I was waiting. I ran and cursed myself. I tried to breathe as consciously as I could. I turned the music on to Blasting Furnace, just to keep the rhythm going.

I zipped, I saw my clock run like crazy. But I was making it, slowly and surely, giving away my soul and my breakfast, ready to dump the stupid bike if I only made it.

And then, the rough patch – the last feet to the top. I ran as fast as I could, but I knew it was too late. I saw the letter boxes and knew I was there. A last desperate push, and I am there!

20:12, my personal best. And so close to the divine goal of 20 that I know I will make it, as soon as I lose weight in sufficient amount.

20:12. Felt good.

Doesn’t sound too impressive? You try and beat me. Send me your srd file that records your time under 20 minutes, and (provided it is plausible), you’ll be the new owner of a fresh $50 bill! Offer valid until 9/22/03.