Marco's Blog

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Training Log

2003-06-02 1 min read Cycling General marco

Closing in on completion of the training log. The only part missing now is the page with the pretty pictures (the daily stats), and I am sure I can do that in no time – after all, the template pretty much contains the contents of srdhead and the two pictures of speed and altitude. I’ll pass on the heart rate (I never monitor it), and maybe I’ll implement the handy DHTML that replaces pictures on the fly that I used for the weight table.

I am moving towards integrating the training log generator into the htmltree utility, and then move even the GM code into it. I find it really annoying that I have to cut and paste the template code into the GM admin every time I make the slightest change.

BTW: I started reading a few blogs, and I find other blogs (with more than just biking) much more interesting.