Marco's Blog

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What a Glorious Day!

2003-04-27 2 min read Cycling General marco

For a change, and not for long, sunday was actually a sunny day. It was still a little chilly, but I managed to do my ride in the early morning. Of course this means I had wonderful competition for Old La Honda, and there was even someone that passed me and zipped up, never to be seen again. Lucky I was eating a Starbucks scone, or it would have been the first time I actually got passed!

I got up in 21:35. That’s really my personal best (don’t tell anyone! :), so I felt in the mood for a stop in Woodside, to check out bikes and finish my scone in the sun. Unfortunately, on the way down 84, a big accident prevented my from zipping down all too fast. The guys behind me passed by, and it somehow felt as if that zipping may have been the cause of the accident in the first place.

Got home just in time to get lazy, and use the new and improved Polar code that Dave Bailey put together. It reads the bike computer data into a Linux box and reads them out, provides graphs (albeit a bit crude). He’s got all that stuff on his site (at Works like a charm (and much better, I may say, than the software that comes with the unit).