Marco's Blog

All content personal opinions or work.
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The Betrayal at Gethsemane

2008-08-12 6 min read Research marco
I am reading Christopher Moore’s Lamb, an exciting and amusing book, and the best possible introduction to a new author. I am not very far into it, having barely read to the point where Joshua is back from Kabul, but it got me thinking about Bible classes and Bible studies. I got my old Bible out (it’s not that old, it just looks like it is because I like thumbing through it a lot) and read randomly. Continue reading

Woes of the Pharisees

2007-06-14 2 min read Research marco
The usual dramatic name for something that is common to Luke and Matthew, but is not in Mark. This is a list of things Yeshua hates (it’s the word he uses) about the Pharisees. The one that rocked me when I read it is the following: What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you shut the door of the Kingdom of Heaven in people’s faces. Continue reading

Time Frame of Ministries

2005-07-17 2 min read Research marco
John 8:57 has the Jews say that Jesus was not yet 50 when he came to Jerusalem. (They mock him for claiming to have seen Abraham). If that is the case, then Jesus was probably close enough, but not yet 50; maybe in his late fourties? That is of importance, because the Gospels constantly talk about this generation as the target of the words of Jesus. And while Paul portrays himself as the apostle to the Gentiles, nothing in the Gospels mentions him; there is though a reference to a mission to the entire world, but it surely reads like a late addition. Continue reading

The Naked Young Man in Mark 14:51-52

2005-06-19 2 min read Research marco
I was reading Mark again, the shortest of the Gospels. I reached the passage where Jesus is on the Mount of Olives, getting ready for the last days. The emotions are tense: the High Priest comes with armed soldiers to arrest Jesus; Jesus himself has not slept in days, and has urged his disciples to pray; Judas Iscariot is getting ready for the betrayal that Jesus already prophecied. Luke has a better account of the story. Continue reading